I met mum as she was the mother in law of my friend. I knew her as a loving, caring and doting mother! The testimonies I have heard of her are so heartwarming and I pray that her soul will rest in peace.
She was so many things to so many people. She was a mother to Me.
Where you met Iyabo*
How you met Mummy
Middle Adulthood
Mrs Titilayo Adediji
11 months ago
Mummy Yemi as I fondly call her was a calm, pleasant and gentle soul.
I have known her over 3 decades even before we became in law. I have never seen her being angry at anyone or about anything.
After accepting Christ as her Lord and Saviour, she devoted her life to knowing more about her Master. She studied d Word, and meditate in it so much that she can quote several verses of the Bible off hand. After her retirement, she went to Bible school to learn more about the Christian faith. She would pick a character in a bible and explain it that a lay man will come to understand it better through her daily updates. Her life is a challenge to many people.
She is an excellent mother nd grandmother to her children and grandchildren, a dutiful and caring wife and a role model to her siblings and her entire family members.
With teary eyes and a heavy heart but thankful to God for a life well spent in Christ Jesus, we are saying GOOD NIGHT to a gallant soldier of Christ. Rest in the bosom of your Maker till that resurrection day when we shall meet to part no more.
May the Lord uphold and comfort the entire family members amen.
Where you met Iyabo*
How you met Mummy
Middle Adulthood
Adedapo Adebayo
11 months ago
*Tribute to Mrs Iyabo Adeleke-Adedeji*
This is one passing that humbled me more. The demise of loving and simple people.
Each time I saw Rear Admiral he was always smiles, around his wife he was always in high spirits. This was a reflection of love, happiness, peace and joy which radiated around them and in the presence of friends and families. For me she had so much love to share and she brought so much joy.
Her kind being also touched me and my family. She was very warm and welcoming. My children also attested to this as far as they remembered her hospitality in Okaka in 2022.
I pray the good Lord be with daddy, the children and grant the entire family strength at this time and beyond. Amen.
May your gentle loving soul find eternal rest with God. Adieu
Adedapo Adebayo
Top Qualities You Learnt From Her
All God qualities.
Where you met Iyabo*
Extended family
How you met Mummy
Late Adulthood
Adewumi Akosile
11 months ago
Mummy I can’t believe you are no more, but my consolation is that you knew Christ and dedicated your life to him.
I remember when I was pregnant with my son you called me everyday to pray together till I delivered. That act strengthened my faith
After my delivery you always send pap(Ogi) to me till I weaned my son.
You always want to be involved with things happening in my family.
I miss you so much dearest Mum, continue to rest in the bossom of the Lord.
Top Qualities You Learnt From Her
Her strong will and dedication to what she believed in
Where you met Iyabo*
How you met Mummy
Middle Adulthood
Pastor MOKUOLU, Abosede Oluyemisi.
11 months ago
A God-fearing woman who loved God, her family and people. A retired Director of Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) but was not tired. We became close when we both registered as pioneer students of the Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary, Ogbomoso, Abuja Extension with her husband Pastor Rear Admiral Gbadejo Adedeji (Retired). She was very industrious and hard working. She was kind, generous in meeting people’s need and always helpful. She helped our understanding in the rudiments of computer usage and information technology in class. She was a woman of integrity with her husband. They both love God, order, the truth, even the truth of the Word of God and its application. She loved to pray, and this was the foundation of her evangelism Ministry. Matthew 4:19 & Matthew 28:20 – Jesus’ authority in this word commands His disciples, even us today to tell others about the gospel of Christ. Pastor Iyabo Adeleke-Adedeji responded to God’s Word with passion for souls. This led her into preaching on the Macedonian Mission Radio Broadcast where she preached sermons that impacted many lives, bringing them to salvation in Jesus Christ. Sister Iyabo had spiritual passion which was an internal fire of Holy Spirit that motivated and energized her to fulfil purpose doing God’s will.
“Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of His faithful servants.” Psalm 116:15.
Good night my beloved Egba Sister and great Pastor till we meet and part no more at Jesus feet.
Pastor OMOGOYE Oluwasegun Noah.
11 months ago
Mummy was an exemplary leader, an ardent learner always willing to know more through diligent study. A humble and caring mother who has many times encouraged me to take my opportunities. Above all a sacrificial leader who gave without relenting. You will greatly be missed by many. Rest on Mummy!
Pastor OLOKE Godwin & Pastor OLOKE Ojoyemi.
11 months ago
Dear sister Iyabo, you have gone so soon. The memories of how outspoken and jovial you were will remain. The only one who jokingly called me “Elder” even though she was far older than me in age.
The time we spent together as co-teachers of the ushering group of FBC Garki, was remarkable. Your contributions in the Sunday school class, at every topic, were profound and full of life lessons. Yes, you will be missed by loved ones and those who knew you, but it seems better that you chose transition to glory, free from troubles of this world.
Sleep on, dear sister Iyabo.
Pastor SOLOMON Bamidele Omodogun.
11 months ago
Late Mrs Iyabo Adeleke Adedeji told her story, of coming from a Muslim background, went to a Christian School-Baptist High School, Jos. Married to a Christian Husband. A Member of First Baptist Church, Garki-Abuja, and of a good standing in the Church Evangelism Committee, to my knowledge. She never stopped, of being concerned on how to make Christ known to others, by giving her resources to that effect. No wonder, she enrolled, at the Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary Ogbomosho Programme, Abuja Centre, to strengthen her desires toward the Great Commission, of the Nigerian Baptist Convention. Indeed, the Big Baptist Family/Colleagues/Friends will be missing her participation in assignments relating to the things of God. May the LORD continue to occupy the positions she left behind, in Jesus’ name.
Pastor MOGBOLU Clement.
11 months ago
I did not know it be so soon. I came to your house with my 4 children and wife to visit your home. Little did I know that was the last we were seeing you as a family. You were such a bold and Evangelical Christian woman. I miss you so much. My sister is still hard to believe that I will not see you again. Good night, my beloved!
Pastor ARIBIKE Abiodun Ladipo
11 months ago
Thank you, mummy, for the discussions, the calls, your advice, your visit and your partnership in touching the lives of the less privileged and under-served in the last few years.
You have finished the race and entered your reward. Enjoy the presence of your Lord and Savior. I miss you.
Pastor ADELADAN Hannah Omobonike
11 months ago
By and by
When the morning comes,
When the saints of God are gathered Home,
We will tell the story of how we overcome,
We will understand it better by and by.
Iyaafin Adeleke, you came, you saw, and you conquered.
You are a good giver, especially to the special women, even though you were sick, you still made sure you sent something to the special women during Christmas.
Though the news of your demise was shocking, but who are we to ask why, your Maker wants you to come and rest with Him after your labour on this planet earth, so sleep on till that resurrection morning when we shall meet to part no more.
Pastor ADEPOJU Victoria Bolanle.
11 months ago
Sweet is the memory of the righteous. A Loving and Caring Leader. An Evangelist & Philanthropist per excellent. A Giver to “the least of these brothers and sisters of mine” Mathew 25:40.
You lived a Fulfilled life as a Christian. And we will miss your kind gesture greatly.
Continue to rest at the bosom of your creature till the resurrection morning when we will meet to part no more.
Adieu Aunty Iyabo.
Pastor ELEGBEDE Ufuoma Abosede.
11 months ago
Since childhood at New Covenant Baptist Church, Agege, I’ve known Mummy to be a constant beacon of love for God and people. Her diligent stewardship extended to family, relationships, career, business, and ministry; and all flourished under her care.
When I was saddled with the responsibility of managing refreshments from the token contributions we made during our classes at the seminary, Aunty Iyabo emphasized transparency and integrity. She urged me to keep a detailed breakdown of funds should anyone need to see a report, underscoring the importance of even the smallest acts of transparency and integrity. Her thoroughness and excellence were truly remarkable.
We will miss you.
Pastor OGUNSANYA Elijah David
11 months ago
Here’s to a remarkable mother, a beacon of love and strength. Her unwavering support and encouragement have shaped lives and inspired greatness. As a steward, she’s nurtured dreams and fostered growth amongst old and young. In tribute to her boundless love, may her legacy forever shine bright. Adieu Mummy.
Pastor BAMIDELE Samson Olukayode
11 months ago
Beloved Sister, I got to know you in the last few years of your journey on earth. A larger part of that time was in the Seminary where we studied to be prepared for ministry work. It was sweet knowing you because you worked as if you knew the journey was going to end soon. You used the resources that God gave you to meet needs. You were always there for people that came your way.
You were bold, courageous and had no space for deceit and obliquity. The last time I saw you, the burden of the Church and the need for it to be the vanguard of righteousness was visible in you. You operated in the marketplace with these qualities and well respected by professional colleagues. You were a colossus in the Nigeria Computer Society where you served as a mentor, influencer and bridge-builder. You related freely with old and young and well respected by your colleagues. Your views were astute and selfless and for the common good.
Indeed, you ran the race with passion and will be remembered by all.
I will personally miss your calls, asking after my wellbeing. When it was getting difficult for me to combine my study in the Seminary with my work, you provided the encouragement; you were there for me!
We sure will miss you here, but heaven is rejoicing at your homecoming because you did not let God down – Continue to rest in the bosom of your Creator.
Pastor OLUMI Jimmy Osho Olorunmaye
11 months ago
Pastor (Mrs.) Iyabo Adeleke – Adedeji (Nee Lawal), was of the Set of 1975 of our highly cherished and reputable Alma Mata, Baptist High School, Jos. When she came into Form One, I was in Form Four. I took special note of young and beautiful Iyabo because of her athletic shape and her outstanding performances in sporting events generally. She represented our school in various sporting competitions. After many years, Iyabo and I met again in First Baptist Church, Garki – Abuja. She was the first to recognize me. Iyabo was a highly dedicated child of God who was prayerful and highly committed in the various services and ministries. She was active and vigorously engaged in Ushering, Missions and Evangelism Departments of the Church. She was involved in the Care for the Widows, even though she met with some opposition in some quarters. Iyabo was focused on service to Christ. After her retirement from the Public Service, she enrolled into the Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary, Ogbomoso (Abuja Campus) where she obtained, PGDTh and M.Div (Spec). As Course mates in the Seminary, everyone acknowledged the brilliance, dedication, resourcefulness and generosity of Mrs. Adeleke-Adedeji. She assisted many seminarians to pay their school fees and purchased books and other materials for their studies. She was also a great encourager, caring and helpful. Most of the young people in our class called her Mommy because of her motherly care for all. As a humble, respectful and loving personality, Iyabo will be greatly missed. God will comfort and strengthen her husband and the children and family members. Adieu, great Soldier of Christ.
Revd. Segun Michael (Your Pastor & Brother)
11 months ago
Our times of interaction were highly memorable. You dedicated your life to all just course, getting out of your way to make ways smooth and straight for others is your beacon of joy. No door is too strong for you to attempt to open once it will impact lives.
All it takes to get you involved in any project is just to make you understand the principles of such ventures. Where angels fear to tread, you walked unhindered.
Sister Iyabo Adeleke Adedeji, you were a woman of great faith, in pain you are unperturbed, holding on until you can hold no longer. As I put my pen to paper in honor of your memory, I can’t remember a time you looked angry talk less of being in despair.
You let go freely, a woman with a very large heart, and humility personified a sponsor and a model.
You lived a fulfilled life and put smiles into the faces of the needy, the desolates, and the orphans assiduously.
I know where you are now. May the lord grant those you left behind grace to attain the higher calling at God’s time.
The righteous lead blameless lives blessed are their children after them.
No more pains, tears, sorrow, and contentions. We Love You. Goodnight.
Mrs. Rakiya S. Mohammed
11 months ago
Mrs. Iyabo M. Adeleke: a mother, role model, mentor, achiever, groomer, goal-getter, team player par excellence. You are one person who touched many lives and uplifted countless people through your inspiring words and actions. It’s hard to describe you without recognizing how you recognize and bring out the best in individuals and teams. You were indeed an icon, and your landmark achievements are all still recognized in the Bank transcending different departments. Your impeccable combination of profound technical skills and understanding of business processes and your willingness to share such knowledge and experience stood you out among your peers in the Bank during your illustrious service. You created an enviable niche for yourself, rising to the peak of your profession and achieving the distinction of working in all the functional areas of the Information Technology Department. This contributed to a well-deserved elevation to the position of Director just before your retirement.
Among your achievements are:
Ø Building the technology landscape of the Bank from the era of using dumb terminals on the Banking Application to online, real-time applications.
Ø Managing the project on the automation of the first 27 (twenty-seven) branches of the Bank.
Ø Coordinating the institutionalization of the business day administration of the Bank’s payment system.
Ø Managing the implementation of several enterprise-wide applications in the Bank.
Ø Providing vital input to several Bank committees of which she was a member.
Certainly, you are a case study in humility and perseverance. Your sense of gratitude is boundless. What others might consider mundane and banal is to you significant and praiseworthy. You were a mentor to generations of Information Technology Department staff. Your can-do spirit and ability to describe the most complex technological issues in the simplest terms have been invaluable. Your contributions to the group efforts are outstanding and peerless.
As a mother, which you were to many along your career, stories abound of how you uplifted many families with your motherly love and guidance, which ultimately brought all around closer to their spouses. You stood up for many staff even when you hardly knew them and defended your junior colleagues unconditionally. You made people believe in their inherent abilities and gave them invaluable opportunities to showcase themselves and thus get better at delivering their tasks. You groomed many champions and helped shape many others who have become leaders in their fields today.
How can we ever forget what a generous giver you were, ever present in every staff member’s private function, giving both moral and financial support. Your sacrifices of love and the daily spiritual guidance that you dole out consistently will be greatly remembered and missed.
Although we write this tribute with pain and sadness, we are grateful to God for the life you lived, which is worthy of thanksgiving. We have been so blessed to have known you and enjoyed the love and grace you displayed to everyone around you. We will miss you because of the indelible marks you left in our lives. We take comfort in knowing that God loves you more and thus decided to call you home to rest. May your beautiful soul rest in peace until we meet to part no more! Amen.
Director, Information Technology Department
Central Bank of Nigeria
Rev. Segun Michael
11 months ago
The news of the passing of our shareholder and wife of our director, Rear Admiral Gbadebo Adedeji (rtd), has come to us as a shock and we do express our grief for this painful loss. She possessed rare qualities. She was a woman of very high intelligence and wisdom who conducted herself with remarkable humility, calmness and grace. We enjoyed the resources of her deep experience and the well-informed guidance, which she brought to bear on our decisions and activities. Her passing has deprived us of a strong and supportive pillar and we will miss her dearly. We do extend our sympathies to her husband, her children, her grandchildren and her wider family. May God provide comfort to all who miss this gentle and kindhearted jewel.
Chairman, Rabo Investment Ltd
Pastor Sunday Adejoh
11 months ago
Mummy Adedeji has fought a good fight, she has finished the race and has kept the faith. Oh! What a life well spent. Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints, (Psalm 116:15). The Lord carefully watches over the lives of his faithful people. He exercises control over the circumstances of their death, when they are dying, he is there with them. Their death, which is of a great value to him, is the occasion when they are delivered from all evil, therefore physical death is tragic to unbelievers, but a gateway to His saints into eternal fellowship with Christ.
I had the opportunity to know our late mother some few years back. I can say emphatically that she loves God. She has concern for God’s will and His word. She was a woman of faith who depended on God wholeheartedly. At the time of her health challenges, she never returned to Egypt. She remained in faith. It was indeed a life well spent.
This is our consolation and joy in Christ. We believe that our sister has gone to be with the Lord, good night sister, until we meet in the bosom of the Lord.
Revd. Dr. Wunmi Oladeji
11 months ago
Flowers die, stories end, beauty and songs fade, the sun and moon will withdraw their light and stars will cease. All things will come to an end, but precious saints of God live on, and they are remembered forever.
Mummy Adedeji will be remembered for her dogged faith, she was known for the truth. A lover of God and an epitome of Christ’s servant-hood. She was a gospel juggernaut and a generous giver when it comes to God’s projects and mission. She excelled in prayer ministry, she was a prayer warrior indeed.
I call to mind 4 years ago when I and other men of God were invited for dinner in her house in the village, she gently demanded from me, “please sir, may I be your prayer partner? then, I consented. Ever since then, we bless God, by His grace, we leveled all the mountains and crossed all the rivers that came on our paths.
The darts and arrows of her prayers were more fiery than the bullets of garrisons of armies. She travailed in prayer over her life, ministry, the children and the entire family, and she conquered. Towards the end of her life, she fought vigorously with the forces of darkness and sickness; she triumphed gallantly over them, as she refused to compromise her faith and stood firmly on the infallible word of God. It was in this battle she engaged in that the daughter of Zion received the home call to rest from all her labours.
Mummy Adedeji triumphed at death. She has fought a good fight of faith, she has kept the faith, and she has laid down her drawn sword at the feet of her Master. A prayer warrior has gone!
It is hard to say good bye to someone like you, yet, it brings forth sweet memories. It is true that earth has lost and heaven has gained. Good night ma, till will meet and part no more at the feet of Christ.
Dr. Wunmi Oladeji
11 months ago
Death is inevitable, the necessary end which no one will escape, that we live today is an obvious evidence that we shall die one day. The black awful blanket of death is spread upon mankind. Since the fall of man in the Garden of Eden, man has not been able to proffer any solution to its dreadful impact. But God made a way by sending His son-Christ, Jesus came, He fought with death and conquered, and He collected the key from death and hades and triumphed over them publicly.
Ever since then, all believers triumph over death. Mummy Adedeji; was an indomitable soldier
of the cross, she fought with sin, sickness and death and she conquered gallantly. She refused to compromise her faith, till she laid down her sword at the feet of her Master. As a member of the board of trustees of HAGIOS, we will ever remember you for your unflinching support as she single-handedy sponsored the registration of the ministry. She will be remembered for her faith and care towards all and especially those of the household of faith. Mummy Adedeji has come, she has seen and she has conquered, she has fought a good fight of faith and the crown of life is laid up for her. Good night ma, till we meet to part no more.
Signed by:
HAGIOS President
Wura Adebayo
11 months ago
“Auntie Iyabo” In my husband’s voice.
Mrs. Iyabo Adeleke-Adedeji was one of my husband’s many aunties in the church. Their love for each other was mutual and even became stronger when he realized that she was also friendly with his friend Tunde Banjo. (I can almost hear her voice hailing him “Banjie”). A relationship myself and his wife were secretly jealous of. Then came the union of Aunty Iyabo’s last born and our first daughter, so we became in-laws. The union of the two children therefore made us family and we thank God for the memories we have. May the Lord comfort us all for this loss and especially her husband and the children.
Mrs. Wura Adebayo for the Adebayo’s
Where you met Iyabo*
How you met Mummy
Middle Adulthood
Alolade Toyin
11 months ago
In March 2018,when I was about moving down to abuja,God told me to ask him for a mother,thou the message wasn’t clear to me,I started praying,by April I had already moved to abuja,one day I went to church for a program,after the program,I felt the urge to pray(I was heavily pregnant then).I saw mummy seated alone,the spirit of God directed me to her to pray with me,and since then she took me as her daughter.people around us(especially in church)do ask whether I am her daughter or she was my mother,our reply has always been the same “yes”(my answered prayer).I remembered when we we went for Alhaja’s burial in lagos,as I was attending to guests,a man called me and said “jo sisi mi se omo anti iyabo ni e ni”?I smiled and said “beeni sir”,he wasn’t convinced,he followed me downstairs to confirm my answer,immediately he saw mummy he asked “e jo anti iyabo,mo mo doyin,mo mo kunmbi,se omo yin ni sisi yi ni?mummy’s usual reply “beeni omo mi ne ni),because of the absolute resemblance.mummy has helped me in different ways,be it physical,spiritual,emotional,and financial.mummy knows no one with me,yet she took me as one of her own,,,she was the mother I never had! Dear God,in my next life I would want her to be my mother.You are a great warrior,christ ambassador,you came,you saw and you conquer!!! Now you are in the presence of God and that is a good place for a mother to reside. Miss you everyday mummy.
Top Qualities You Learnt From Her
Where you met Iyabo*
How you met Mummy
Middle Adulthood
Nwosu Christian O
11 months ago
Been in a State of shock n Disbelief since i got news of your demise on our ISACA forum, a Beautiful soul, A kind Boss, Motivational Leader n a Loving mother, Keep resting ma. your legacy is assured all i have is great memories of working under you. Thanks for all you did for me, you are appreciated.
Top Qualities You Learnt From Her
Plenty, Benovolent n Motivational leader with Listening ear, bravery n firmness in taking decisions, Kindness
Where you met Iyabo*
Central Bank of Nigeria ( IT Department)
How you met Mummy
Middle Adulthood
Olufisayo Ajewole
11 months ago
My ex-colleagues at the CBN (2013 IT intake) will agree with me that she was a good manager, a mentor, humble, compassionate, peaceful, kind and merciful. Continue to rest in the bosom of Jesus Christ.
Top Qualities You Learnt From Her
Where you met Iyabo*
Central Bank of Nigeria ( IT Department)
How you met Mummy
Late Adulthood
Adedeji Dorcas Toyosi, Women Missionary Union Oke
10 months ago
Why so soon? Only God knows better
( Ha,Kokoro ko je ka gbadun obi to
gbo,iku ko je ka gbadun enire)
The entire Women Missionary Union of Oke Ogun Baptist Conference
mourns the death of a loving,caring,sincere,and trusted mother.
Mama Adedeji was known for her accommodating spirit. This was
exemplified in the manner she received people she met for the first time.She
was a cheerful giver, a woman of noble character, and an apotheosis of
wisdom and diligence,just like the woman described in Proverbs 31.She was
a God-fearing woman, humble,kind,and an encpurager to the core.She was a
woman of prayer and the lover of God’s work.Her love,devotion,and passion
towards the work of God were impeccable, admirable, and worthy of
The entire women of Oke Ogun Baptist Conference will miss your
constant assistance, but we take solace in the fact that you have gone to be
with the Lord.
We are grateful to our God that you have kept the faith and finished
your race well, and your sojourn on this planet earth has come to a glorious
end.May the good Lord that you have served diligently comfort your loving
husband,children,grandchildren,your immediate family,the church, and the
W.M.U of Oke-Ogun Baptist Conference.
We hope to meet on the resurrection morning where we will part no
Goodnight,Mama Adedeji
Adedeji D.T
WMU Oke-Ogun Baptist Conference.
Where you met Iyabo*
How you met Mummy
Late Adulthood
Adedeji Dorcas Toyosi,
10 months ago
Why so soon? Only God knows better
( Ha,Kokoro ko je ka gbadun obi to
gbo,iku ko je ka gbadun enire)
The entire Women Missionary Union of Oke Ogun Baptist Conference
mourns the death of a loving,caring,sincere,and trusted mother.
Mama Adedeji was known for her accommodating spirit. This was
exemplified in the manner she received people she met for the first time.She
was a cheerful giver, a woman of noble character, and an apotheosis of
wisdom and diligence,just like the woman described in Proverbs 31.She was
a God-fearing woman, humble,kind,and an encpurager to the core.She was a
woman of prayer and the lover of God’s work.Her love,devotion,and passion
towards the work of God were impeccable, admirable, and worthy of
The entire women of Oke Ogun Baptist Conference will miss your
constant assistance, but we take solace in the fact that you have gone to be
with the Lord.
We are grateful to our God that you have kept the faith and finished
your race well, and your sojourn on this planet earth has come to a glorious
end.May the good Lord that you have served diligently comfort your loving
husband,children,grandchildren,your immediate family,the church, and the
W.M.U of Oke-Ogun Baptist Conference.
We hope to meet on the resurrection morning where we will part no
Goodnight,Mama Adedeji
Adedeji D.T
WMU Oke-Ogun Baptist Conference.
Top Qualities You Learnt From Her
Where you met Iyabo*
How you met Mummy
Late Adulthood
Paul Kunle Ojeikere
10 months ago
Dearest Aunty Iyabo,
When I joined the IT department of CBN back in 2011, it was very easy to see some uncommon qualities in you. Among these qualities, one stood out. You were a consummate people person and an amazing bridge builder. This quality drew most of the IT staff to you, no matter their religious or ethnic backgrounds. Their loyalty was undeniable. I often wondered how you did it, albeit with a touch of jealousy.
I soon got to know how by a share touch of coincidence. I casually mentioned to you that my aged mum in Lagos was struggling with getting a reliable care giver. After this brief encounter, and unbeknownst to me, you had contacted Alhaja, made arrangements with her for my mom’s wellbeing. This was like a decade ago, but the relationship with Alhaja continues till today, thanks to your uncanny ability to help anyone in need. All through the years, you would ask after my mom whom you never met. There was one time I visited you at your Lagos home and you handed me a big bag of rice and garri for my mum. You were indeed an amazing soul Aunty Iyabo!
Today, I feel honored to have worked with you and known you. I’m particularly grateful to God that I had the opportunity to exchange the New Year’s greetings with you, not knowing what you were going through.
Today, I give glory to God for your life, though relatively short, but very rich. As I sit here listening to outpouring of genuine love and emotions from your family and well wishers at your Night of Tributes, I feel deeply in my soul that Heaven has gained an Angel.
Aunty Iyabo, ẹ sun re o!
Top Qualities You Learnt From Her
How to manage people, how to command respect, how to lead, patience, devotion to God
Where you met Iyabo*
Central Bank of Nigeria ( IT Department)
How you met Mummy
Middle Adulthood
Prince Akinlolu Ajani ( DEPUTY DIRECTOR)
10 months ago
Mrs Iyabo Adeleke -Adedeji.
You came, you saw and you conquer.
You add greater value to humanity.
May your soul continues to rest in perfect peace .
Top Qualities You Learnt From Her
Humble, industrious,caring and hardworking.
Where you met Iyabo*
Extended family
How you met Mummy
Middle Adulthood
Olusegun Kuti Aremu (known as/foundly called ASK)
10 months ago
DEAR LATE MRS. IYABO ADELEKE-ADEDEJI Tí ikú bá gb’owó, A ò bá fún un l’ówó, T’íkú bá gb’àgbò, A bá r’àgbò fun… Ikú d’óró, ikú ṣ’èkà, I kú se omú ẹni rere lọ. Ó d’àrìnnàkò, ótún wa d’ojú àlá. Sùn re ooo mummy Ìyábò.
She was such a loving woman of God, caring and amazing. An easy going mother. Always smiling thoroung and no-nonsense. I came to know her since I joined the First Baptist Church, Garki Abuja in 1999. My noticing her was when our Church Pastor Rev Dr. Israel Adelani Akanji now the President of the Nigerian Baptist Conventiuon announced her generosity to the church where she presented according to the Pastor the first sets of computers to the church office then the systems were dedicated. That was when I got to know she worked in CBN and an IT guru.
She fondly called me ASK as I am poularly known and addressed. I remember all she did for us and particularly her kind words or encouragement especially when I lost my wife in 2016. She would call to talk to me, “ASK you have to move on and remarry on time and give your daughter a mother figure.” Her words, omo mi nko?” Always praying for us. Alaways smiling! Always showing love.
Her words to me, ”ASK I learned you do Cryptourrency.” ”Please come and put me through let me see if I can do some little investment.”
She was a suportive child of God and generous. She supported our cancer NGO in her own little way in loving memory of my late wife. She was happy seeing Daddy the Rear Admiral discussing together. ”Daddy ti nwa o ASK,” her words.
May the Lord grant her eternal rest. May God comfort daddy, the children, the entire family you left behind, the Church of God, and all that connect with her in a way. The Lord will stand by them everyone and grant them the grace and peace to bear your exit. We love you but God loves you most. Good night mummy Iyabọ!!!
Missing her gentle smile…
Top Qualities You Learnt From Her
A committed Christian, a Diligent, an Encourager, an Advisor
Where you met Iyabo*
How you met Mummy
Middle Adulthood
Olusegun Kuti Aremu (known as/foundly called ASK)
10 months ago
TRIBUTE TO DEAR LATE MRS. IYABO ADELEKE-ADEDEJI Tí ikú bá gb’owó, A ò bá fún un l’ówó, T’íkú bá gb’àgbò, A bá r’àgbò fun… Ikú d’óró, ikú ṣ’èkà, I kú se omú ẹni rere lọ. Ó d’àrìnnàkò, ótún wa d’ojú àlá. Sùn re ooo mummy Ìyábò.
She was such a loving woman of God, caring and amazing. An easy going mother. Always smiling thoroung and no-nonsense. I came to know her since I joined the First Baptist Church, Garki Abuja in 1999. My noticing her was when our Church Pastor Rev Dr. Israel Adelani Akanji now the President of the Nigerian Baptist Conventiuon announced her generosity to the church where she presented according to the Pastor the first sets of computers to the church office then the systems were dedicated. That was when I got to know she worked in CBN and an IT guru.
She fondly called me ASK as I am poularly known and addressed. I remember all she did for us and particularly her kind words or encouragement especially when I lost my wife in 2016. She would call to talk to me, “ASK you have to move on and remarry on time and give your daughter a mother figure.” Her words, omo mi nko?” Always praying for us. Alaways smiling! Always showing love.
Her words to me, ”ASK I learned you do Cryptourrency.” ”Please come and put me through let me see if I can do some little investment.”
She was a suportive child of God and generous. She supported our cancer NGO in her own little way in loving memory of my late wife. She was happy seeing Daddy the Rear Admiral discussing together. ”Daddy ti nwa o ASK,” her words.
May the Lord grant her eternal rest. May God comfort daddy, the children, the entire family you left behind, the Church of God, and all that connect with her in a way. The Lord will stand by them everyone and grant them the grace and peace to bear your exit. We love you but God loves you most. Good night mummy Iyabọ!!!
Missing her gentle smile…
Yours sincerely, ASK
Top Qualities You Learnt From Her
A committed Christian, a Diligent, an Encourager, and a Giver an Advisor
Where you met Iyabo*
How you met Mummy
Middle Adulthood
Ope Onifade
10 months ago
I cherish the memory of Mrs. Iyabo Adeleke- Adedeji as a dotting mother of her children, loyal friend of her husband and a model professional in technology.
As one of the pioneer females in the Computer Science profession in Nigeria, she shone her light very brightly in the professional community as a leader of leaders and modelled the friendship a wife should share with her husband in my encounters with both of them.
I benefited from her motherly and leadership competencies at Abuja Chapter of ISACA (Information Systems Audit and Control Association) where I served as the fourth president and board chair. Even in retirement, she was enthusiastic about my professional and business development, for which I am very grateful.
I will remain inspired by her professional acumen, her dedication to family life, her devotion to the Kingdom of God, her genuine care for people, and her strategic contributions to her church family.
May the Good Lord preserve her legacy and bring enduring comfort to her immediate family.
Top Qualities You Learnt From Her
Diligence. Kindness. Hospitality. Humility.
Where you met Iyabo*
ISACA Abuja Chapter
How you met Mummy
Middle Adulthood
Funke bisi-Ajala nee Ogunleye
10 months ago
Aunty Iyabo , as we call her, she was a Very wonderful woman, I can remember on my wedding day , she did a lot for me, she’s my dad’s cousin. They live together at Kano. Her dad trained my dad. Love her very much but God love her more
Top Qualities You Learnt From Her
Very humble
Where you met Iyabo*
How you met Mummy
Teenage Years
Kunle Agbola
10 months ago
I met mummy through debo from FBCG, Thanks for all the love you have shown over the years, you will be greatly missed.May your gentle soul rest in peace
I met mum as she was the mother in law of my friend. I knew her as a loving, caring and doting mother! The testimonies I have heard of her are so heartwarming and I pray that her soul will rest in peace.
She was so many things to so many people. She was a mother to Me.
Mummy Yemi as I fondly call her was a calm, pleasant and gentle soul.
I have known her over 3 decades even before we became in law. I have never seen her being angry at anyone or about anything.
After accepting Christ as her Lord and Saviour, she devoted her life to knowing more about her Master. She studied d Word, and meditate in it so much that she can quote several verses of the Bible off hand. After her retirement, she went to Bible school to learn more about the Christian faith. She would pick a character in a bible and explain it that a lay man will come to understand it better through her daily updates. Her life is a challenge to many people.
She is an excellent mother nd grandmother to her children and grandchildren, a dutiful and caring wife and a role model to her siblings and her entire family members.
With teary eyes and a heavy heart but thankful to God for a life well spent in Christ Jesus, we are saying GOOD NIGHT to a gallant soldier of Christ. Rest in the bosom of your Maker till that resurrection day when we shall meet to part no more.
May the Lord uphold and comfort the entire family members amen.
*Tribute to Mrs Iyabo Adeleke-Adedeji*
This is one passing that humbled me more. The demise of loving and simple people.
Each time I saw Rear Admiral he was always smiles, around his wife he was always in high spirits. This was a reflection of love, happiness, peace and joy which radiated around them and in the presence of friends and families. For me she had so much love to share and she brought so much joy.
Her kind being also touched me and my family. She was very warm and welcoming. My children also attested to this as far as they remembered her hospitality in Okaka in 2022.
I pray the good Lord be with daddy, the children and grant the entire family strength at this time and beyond. Amen.
May your gentle loving soul find eternal rest with God. Adieu
Adedapo Adebayo
Mummy I can’t believe you are no more, but my consolation is that you knew Christ and dedicated your life to him.
I remember when I was pregnant with my son you called me everyday to pray together till I delivered. That act strengthened my faith
After my delivery you always send pap(Ogi) to me till I weaned my son.
You always want to be involved with things happening in my family.
I miss you so much dearest Mum, continue to rest in the bossom of the Lord.
A God-fearing woman who loved God, her family and people. A retired Director of Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) but was not tired. We became close when we both registered as pioneer students of the Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary, Ogbomoso, Abuja Extension with her husband Pastor Rear Admiral Gbadejo Adedeji (Retired). She was very industrious and hard working. She was kind, generous in meeting people’s need and always helpful. She helped our understanding in the rudiments of computer usage and information technology in class. She was a woman of integrity with her husband. They both love God, order, the truth, even the truth of the Word of God and its application. She loved to pray, and this was the foundation of her evangelism Ministry. Matthew 4:19 & Matthew 28:20 – Jesus’ authority in this word commands His disciples, even us today to tell others about the gospel of Christ. Pastor Iyabo Adeleke-Adedeji responded to God’s Word with passion for souls. This led her into preaching on the Macedonian Mission Radio Broadcast where she preached sermons that impacted many lives, bringing them to salvation in Jesus Christ. Sister Iyabo had spiritual passion which was an internal fire of Holy Spirit that motivated and energized her to fulfil purpose doing God’s will.
“Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of His faithful servants.” Psalm 116:15.
Good night my beloved Egba Sister and great Pastor till we meet and part no more at Jesus feet.
Mummy was an exemplary leader, an ardent learner always willing to know more through diligent study. A humble and caring mother who has many times encouraged me to take my opportunities. Above all a sacrificial leader who gave without relenting. You will greatly be missed by many. Rest on Mummy!
Dear sister Iyabo, you have gone so soon. The memories of how outspoken and jovial you were will remain. The only one who jokingly called me “Elder” even though she was far older than me in age.
The time we spent together as co-teachers of the ushering group of FBC Garki, was remarkable. Your contributions in the Sunday school class, at every topic, were profound and full of life lessons. Yes, you will be missed by loved ones and those who knew you, but it seems better that you chose transition to glory, free from troubles of this world.
Sleep on, dear sister Iyabo.
Late Mrs Iyabo Adeleke Adedeji told her story, of coming from a Muslim background, went to a Christian School-Baptist High School, Jos. Married to a Christian Husband. A Member of First Baptist Church, Garki-Abuja, and of a good standing in the Church Evangelism Committee, to my knowledge. She never stopped, of being concerned on how to make Christ known to others, by giving her resources to that effect. No wonder, she enrolled, at the Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary Ogbomosho Programme, Abuja Centre, to strengthen her desires toward the Great Commission, of the Nigerian Baptist Convention. Indeed, the Big Baptist Family/Colleagues/Friends will be missing her participation in assignments relating to the things of God. May the LORD continue to occupy the positions she left behind, in Jesus’ name.
I did not know it be so soon. I came to your house with my 4 children and wife to visit your home. Little did I know that was the last we were seeing you as a family. You were such a bold and Evangelical Christian woman. I miss you so much. My sister is still hard to believe that I will not see you again. Good night, my beloved!
Thank you, mummy, for the discussions, the calls, your advice, your visit and your partnership in touching the lives of the less privileged and under-served in the last few years.
You have finished the race and entered your reward. Enjoy the presence of your Lord and Savior. I miss you.
By and by
When the morning comes,
When the saints of God are gathered Home,
We will tell the story of how we overcome,
We will understand it better by and by.
Iyaafin Adeleke, you came, you saw, and you conquered.
You are a good giver, especially to the special women, even though you were sick, you still made sure you sent something to the special women during Christmas.
Though the news of your demise was shocking, but who are we to ask why, your Maker wants you to come and rest with Him after your labour on this planet earth, so sleep on till that resurrection morning when we shall meet to part no more.
Sweet is the memory of the righteous. A Loving and Caring Leader. An Evangelist & Philanthropist per excellent. A Giver to “the least of these brothers and sisters of mine” Mathew 25:40.
You lived a Fulfilled life as a Christian. And we will miss your kind gesture greatly.
Continue to rest at the bosom of your creature till the resurrection morning when we will meet to part no more.
Adieu Aunty Iyabo.
Since childhood at New Covenant Baptist Church, Agege, I’ve known Mummy to be a constant beacon of love for God and people. Her diligent stewardship extended to family, relationships, career, business, and ministry; and all flourished under her care.
When I was saddled with the responsibility of managing refreshments from the token contributions we made during our classes at the seminary, Aunty Iyabo emphasized transparency and integrity. She urged me to keep a detailed breakdown of funds should anyone need to see a report, underscoring the importance of even the smallest acts of transparency and integrity. Her thoroughness and excellence were truly remarkable.
We will miss you.
Here’s to a remarkable mother, a beacon of love and strength. Her unwavering support and encouragement have shaped lives and inspired greatness. As a steward, she’s nurtured dreams and fostered growth amongst old and young. In tribute to her boundless love, may her legacy forever shine bright. Adieu Mummy.
Beloved Sister, I got to know you in the last few years of your journey on earth. A larger part of that time was in the Seminary where we studied to be prepared for ministry work. It was sweet knowing you because you worked as if you knew the journey was going to end soon. You used the resources that God gave you to meet needs. You were always there for people that came your way.
You were bold, courageous and had no space for deceit and obliquity. The last time I saw you, the burden of the Church and the need for it to be the vanguard of righteousness was visible in you. You operated in the marketplace with these qualities and well respected by professional colleagues. You were a colossus in the Nigeria Computer Society where you served as a mentor, influencer and bridge-builder. You related freely with old and young and well respected by your colleagues. Your views were astute and selfless and for the common good.
Indeed, you ran the race with passion and will be remembered by all.
I will personally miss your calls, asking after my wellbeing. When it was getting difficult for me to combine my study in the Seminary with my work, you provided the encouragement; you were there for me!
We sure will miss you here, but heaven is rejoicing at your homecoming because you did not let God down – Continue to rest in the bosom of your Creator.
Pastor (Mrs.) Iyabo Adeleke – Adedeji (Nee Lawal), was of the Set of 1975 of our highly cherished and reputable Alma Mata, Baptist High School, Jos. When she came into Form One, I was in Form Four. I took special note of young and beautiful Iyabo because of her athletic shape and her outstanding performances in sporting events generally. She represented our school in various sporting competitions. After many years, Iyabo and I met again in First Baptist Church, Garki – Abuja. She was the first to recognize me. Iyabo was a highly dedicated child of God who was prayerful and highly committed in the various services and ministries. She was active and vigorously engaged in Ushering, Missions and Evangelism Departments of the Church. She was involved in the Care for the Widows, even though she met with some opposition in some quarters. Iyabo was focused on service to Christ. After her retirement from the Public Service, she enrolled into the Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary, Ogbomoso (Abuja Campus) where she obtained, PGDTh and M.Div (Spec). As Course mates in the Seminary, everyone acknowledged the brilliance, dedication, resourcefulness and generosity of Mrs. Adeleke-Adedeji. She assisted many seminarians to pay their school fees and purchased books and other materials for their studies. She was also a great encourager, caring and helpful. Most of the young people in our class called her Mommy because of her motherly care for all. As a humble, respectful and loving personality, Iyabo will be greatly missed. God will comfort and strengthen her husband and the children and family members. Adieu, great Soldier of Christ.
Our times of interaction were highly memorable. You dedicated your life to all just course, getting out of your way to make ways smooth and straight for others is your beacon of joy. No door is too strong for you to attempt to open once it will impact lives.
All it takes to get you involved in any project is just to make you understand the principles of such ventures. Where angels fear to tread, you walked unhindered.
Sister Iyabo Adeleke Adedeji, you were a woman of great faith, in pain you are unperturbed, holding on until you can hold no longer. As I put my pen to paper in honor of your memory, I can’t remember a time you looked angry talk less of being in despair.
You let go freely, a woman with a very large heart, and humility personified a sponsor and a model.
You lived a fulfilled life and put smiles into the faces of the needy, the desolates, and the orphans assiduously.
I know where you are now. May the lord grant those you left behind grace to attain the higher calling at God’s time.
The righteous lead blameless lives blessed are their children after them.
No more pains, tears, sorrow, and contentions. We Love You. Goodnight.
Mrs. Iyabo M. Adeleke: a mother, role model, mentor, achiever, groomer, goal-getter, team player par excellence. You are one person who touched many lives and uplifted countless people through your inspiring words and actions. It’s hard to describe you without recognizing how you recognize and bring out the best in individuals and teams. You were indeed an icon, and your landmark achievements are all still recognized in the Bank transcending different departments. Your impeccable combination of profound technical skills and understanding of business processes and your willingness to share such knowledge and experience stood you out among your peers in the Bank during your illustrious service. You created an enviable niche for yourself, rising to the peak of your profession and achieving the distinction of working in all the functional areas of the Information Technology Department. This contributed to a well-deserved elevation to the position of Director just before your retirement.
Among your achievements are:
Ø Building the technology landscape of the Bank from the era of using dumb terminals on the Banking Application to online, real-time applications.
Ø Managing the project on the automation of the first 27 (twenty-seven) branches of the Bank.
Ø Coordinating the institutionalization of the business day administration of the Bank’s payment system.
Ø Managing the implementation of several enterprise-wide applications in the Bank.
Ø Providing vital input to several Bank committees of which she was a member.
Certainly, you are a case study in humility and perseverance. Your sense of gratitude is boundless. What others might consider mundane and banal is to you significant and praiseworthy. You were a mentor to generations of Information Technology Department staff. Your can-do spirit and ability to describe the most complex technological issues in the simplest terms have been invaluable. Your contributions to the group efforts are outstanding and peerless.
As a mother, which you were to many along your career, stories abound of how you uplifted many families with your motherly love and guidance, which ultimately brought all around closer to their spouses. You stood up for many staff even when you hardly knew them and defended your junior colleagues unconditionally. You made people believe in their inherent abilities and gave them invaluable opportunities to showcase themselves and thus get better at delivering their tasks. You groomed many champions and helped shape many others who have become leaders in their fields today.
How can we ever forget what a generous giver you were, ever present in every staff member’s private function, giving both moral and financial support. Your sacrifices of love and the daily spiritual guidance that you dole out consistently will be greatly remembered and missed.
Although we write this tribute with pain and sadness, we are grateful to God for the life you lived, which is worthy of thanksgiving. We have been so blessed to have known you and enjoyed the love and grace you displayed to everyone around you. We will miss you because of the indelible marks you left in our lives. We take comfort in knowing that God loves you more and thus decided to call you home to rest. May your beautiful soul rest in peace until we meet to part no more! Amen.
Director, Information Technology Department
Central Bank of Nigeria
The news of the passing of our shareholder and wife of our director, Rear Admiral Gbadebo Adedeji (rtd), has come to us as a shock and we do express our grief for this painful loss. She possessed rare qualities. She was a woman of very high intelligence and wisdom who conducted herself with remarkable humility, calmness and grace. We enjoyed the resources of her deep experience and the well-informed guidance, which she brought to bear on our decisions and activities. Her passing has deprived us of a strong and supportive pillar and we will miss her dearly. We do extend our sympathies to her husband, her children, her grandchildren and her wider family. May God provide comfort to all who miss this gentle and kindhearted jewel.
Chairman, Rabo Investment Ltd
Mummy Adedeji has fought a good fight, she has finished the race and has kept the faith. Oh! What a life well spent. Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints, (Psalm 116:15). The Lord carefully watches over the lives of his faithful people. He exercises control over the circumstances of their death, when they are dying, he is there with them. Their death, which is of a great value to him, is the occasion when they are delivered from all evil, therefore physical death is tragic to unbelievers, but a gateway to His saints into eternal fellowship with Christ.
I had the opportunity to know our late mother some few years back. I can say emphatically that she loves God. She has concern for God’s will and His word. She was a woman of faith who depended on God wholeheartedly. At the time of her health challenges, she never returned to Egypt. She remained in faith. It was indeed a life well spent.
This is our consolation and joy in Christ. We believe that our sister has gone to be with the Lord, good night sister, until we meet in the bosom of the Lord.
Flowers die, stories end, beauty and songs fade, the sun and moon will withdraw their light and stars will cease. All things will come to an end, but precious saints of God live on, and they are remembered forever.
Mummy Adedeji will be remembered for her dogged faith, she was known for the truth. A lover of God and an epitome of Christ’s servant-hood. She was a gospel juggernaut and a generous giver when it comes to God’s projects and mission. She excelled in prayer ministry, she was a prayer warrior indeed.
I call to mind 4 years ago when I and other men of God were invited for dinner in her house in the village, she gently demanded from me, “please sir, may I be your prayer partner? then, I consented. Ever since then, we bless God, by His grace, we leveled all the mountains and crossed all the rivers that came on our paths.
The darts and arrows of her prayers were more fiery than the bullets of garrisons of armies. She travailed in prayer over her life, ministry, the children and the entire family, and she conquered. Towards the end of her life, she fought vigorously with the forces of darkness and sickness; she triumphed gallantly over them, as she refused to compromise her faith and stood firmly on the infallible word of God. It was in this battle she engaged in that the daughter of Zion received the home call to rest from all her labours.
Mummy Adedeji triumphed at death. She has fought a good fight of faith, she has kept the faith, and she has laid down her drawn sword at the feet of her Master. A prayer warrior has gone!
It is hard to say good bye to someone like you, yet, it brings forth sweet memories. It is true that earth has lost and heaven has gained. Good night ma, till will meet and part no more at the feet of Christ.
Death is inevitable, the necessary end which no one will escape, that we live today is an obvious evidence that we shall die one day. The black awful blanket of death is spread upon mankind. Since the fall of man in the Garden of Eden, man has not been able to proffer any solution to its dreadful impact. But God made a way by sending His son-Christ, Jesus came, He fought with death and conquered, and He collected the key from death and hades and triumphed over them publicly.
Ever since then, all believers triumph over death. Mummy Adedeji; was an indomitable soldier
of the cross, she fought with sin, sickness and death and she conquered gallantly. She refused to compromise her faith, till she laid down her sword at the feet of her Master. As a member of the board of trustees of HAGIOS, we will ever remember you for your unflinching support as she single-handedy sponsored the registration of the ministry. She will be remembered for her faith and care towards all and especially those of the household of faith. Mummy Adedeji has come, she has seen and she has conquered, she has fought a good fight of faith and the crown of life is laid up for her. Good night ma, till we meet to part no more.
Signed by:
HAGIOS President
“Auntie Iyabo” In my husband’s voice.
Mrs. Iyabo Adeleke-Adedeji was one of my husband’s many aunties in the church. Their love for each other was mutual and even became stronger when he realized that she was also friendly with his friend Tunde Banjo. (I can almost hear her voice hailing him “Banjie”). A relationship myself and his wife were secretly jealous of. Then came the union of Aunty Iyabo’s last born and our first daughter, so we became in-laws. The union of the two children therefore made us family and we thank God for the memories we have. May the Lord comfort us all for this loss and especially her husband and the children.
Mrs. Wura Adebayo for the Adebayo’s
In March 2018,when I was about moving down to abuja,God told me to ask him for a mother,thou the message wasn’t clear to me,I started praying,by April I had already moved to abuja,one day I went to church for a program,after the program,I felt the urge to pray(I was heavily pregnant then).I saw mummy seated alone,the spirit of God directed me to her to pray with me,and since then she took me as her daughter.people around us(especially in church)do ask whether I am her daughter or she was my mother,our reply has always been the same “yes”(my answered prayer).I remembered when we we went for Alhaja’s burial in lagos,as I was attending to guests,a man called me and said “jo sisi mi se omo anti iyabo ni e ni”?I smiled and said “beeni sir”,he wasn’t convinced,he followed me downstairs to confirm my answer,immediately he saw mummy he asked “e jo anti iyabo,mo mo doyin,mo mo kunmbi,se omo yin ni sisi yi ni?mummy’s usual reply “beeni omo mi ne ni),because of the absolute resemblance.mummy has helped me in different ways,be it physical,spiritual,emotional,and financial.mummy knows no one with me,yet she took me as one of her own,,,she was the mother I never had! Dear God,in my next life I would want her to be my mother.You are a great warrior,christ ambassador,you came,you saw and you conquer!!! Now you are in the presence of God and that is a good place for a mother to reside. Miss you everyday mummy.
Been in a State of shock n Disbelief since i got news of your demise on our ISACA forum, a Beautiful soul, A kind Boss, Motivational Leader n a Loving mother, Keep resting ma. your legacy is assured all i have is great memories of working under you. Thanks for all you did for me, you are appreciated.
My ex-colleagues at the CBN (2013 IT intake) will agree with me that she was a good manager, a mentor, humble, compassionate, peaceful, kind and merciful. Continue to rest in the bosom of Jesus Christ.
Why so soon? Only God knows better
( Ha,Kokoro ko je ka gbadun obi to
gbo,iku ko je ka gbadun enire)
The entire Women Missionary Union of Oke Ogun Baptist Conference
mourns the death of a loving,caring,sincere,and trusted mother.
Mama Adedeji was known for her accommodating spirit. This was
exemplified in the manner she received people she met for the first time.She
was a cheerful giver, a woman of noble character, and an apotheosis of
wisdom and diligence,just like the woman described in Proverbs 31.She was
a God-fearing woman, humble,kind,and an encpurager to the core.She was a
woman of prayer and the lover of God’s work.Her love,devotion,and passion
towards the work of God were impeccable, admirable, and worthy of
The entire women of Oke Ogun Baptist Conference will miss your
constant assistance, but we take solace in the fact that you have gone to be
with the Lord.
We are grateful to our God that you have kept the faith and finished
your race well, and your sojourn on this planet earth has come to a glorious
end.May the good Lord that you have served diligently comfort your loving
husband,children,grandchildren,your immediate family,the church, and the
W.M.U of Oke-Ogun Baptist Conference.
We hope to meet on the resurrection morning where we will part no
Goodnight,Mama Adedeji
Adedeji D.T
WMU Oke-Ogun Baptist Conference.
Why so soon? Only God knows better
( Ha,Kokoro ko je ka gbadun obi to
gbo,iku ko je ka gbadun enire)
The entire Women Missionary Union of Oke Ogun Baptist Conference
mourns the death of a loving,caring,sincere,and trusted mother.
Mama Adedeji was known for her accommodating spirit. This was
exemplified in the manner she received people she met for the first time.She
was a cheerful giver, a woman of noble character, and an apotheosis of
wisdom and diligence,just like the woman described in Proverbs 31.She was
a God-fearing woman, humble,kind,and an encpurager to the core.She was a
woman of prayer and the lover of God’s work.Her love,devotion,and passion
towards the work of God were impeccable, admirable, and worthy of
The entire women of Oke Ogun Baptist Conference will miss your
constant assistance, but we take solace in the fact that you have gone to be
with the Lord.
We are grateful to our God that you have kept the faith and finished
your race well, and your sojourn on this planet earth has come to a glorious
end.May the good Lord that you have served diligently comfort your loving
husband,children,grandchildren,your immediate family,the church, and the
W.M.U of Oke-Ogun Baptist Conference.
We hope to meet on the resurrection morning where we will part no
Goodnight,Mama Adedeji
Adedeji D.T
WMU Oke-Ogun Baptist Conference.
Dearest Aunty Iyabo,
When I joined the IT department of CBN back in 2011, it was very easy to see some uncommon qualities in you. Among these qualities, one stood out. You were a consummate people person and an amazing bridge builder. This quality drew most of the IT staff to you, no matter their religious or ethnic backgrounds. Their loyalty was undeniable. I often wondered how you did it, albeit with a touch of jealousy.
I soon got to know how by a share touch of coincidence. I casually mentioned to you that my aged mum in Lagos was struggling with getting a reliable care giver. After this brief encounter, and unbeknownst to me, you had contacted Alhaja, made arrangements with her for my mom’s wellbeing. This was like a decade ago, but the relationship with Alhaja continues till today, thanks to your uncanny ability to help anyone in need. All through the years, you would ask after my mom whom you never met. There was one time I visited you at your Lagos home and you handed me a big bag of rice and garri for my mum. You were indeed an amazing soul Aunty Iyabo!
Today, I feel honored to have worked with you and known you. I’m particularly grateful to God that I had the opportunity to exchange the New Year’s greetings with you, not knowing what you were going through.
Today, I give glory to God for your life, though relatively short, but very rich. As I sit here listening to outpouring of genuine love and emotions from your family and well wishers at your Night of Tributes, I feel deeply in my soul that Heaven has gained an Angel.
Aunty Iyabo, ẹ sun re o!
Mrs Iyabo Adeleke -Adedeji.
You came, you saw and you conquer.
You add greater value to humanity.
May your soul continues to rest in perfect peace .
Tí ikú bá gb’owó,
A ò bá fún un l’ówó,
T’íkú bá gb’àgbò,
A bá r’àgbò fun…
Ikú d’óró,
ikú ṣ’èkà, I
kú se omú ẹni rere lọ.
Ó d’àrìnnàkò,
ótún wa d’ojú àlá.
Sùn re ooo mummy Ìyábò.
She was such a loving woman of God,
caring and amazing. An easy going mother.
Always smiling thoroung and no-nonsense.
I came to know her since I joined the First Baptist Church, Garki Abuja in 1999.
My noticing her was when our Church Pastor Rev Dr. Israel Adelani Akanji now the President of the Nigerian Baptist Conventiuon announced her generosity to the church where she presented according to the Pastor the first sets of computers to the church office then the systems were dedicated. That was when I got to know she worked in CBN and an IT guru.
She fondly called me ASK as I am poularly known and addressed.
I remember all she did for us and particularly her kind words or
encouragement especially when I lost my wife in 2016.
She would call to talk to me, “ASK you have to move on and remarry on time and give your daughter a mother figure.”
Her words, omo mi nko?”
Always praying for us.
Alaways smiling!
Always showing love.
Her words to me, ”ASK I learned you do Cryptourrency.”
”Please come and put me through let me see if I can do some little investment.”
She was a suportive child of God and generous.
She supported our cancer NGO in her own little way in loving memory of my late wife.
She was happy seeing Daddy the Rear Admiral discussing together.
”Daddy ti nwa o ASK,” her words.
May the Lord grant her eternal rest.
May God comfort daddy, the children,
the entire family you left behind,
the Church of God,
and all that connect with her in a way.
The Lord will stand by them everyone and grant them the grace and peace to bear your exit.
We love you but God loves you most.
Good night mummy Iyabọ!!!
Missing her gentle smile…
Tí ikú bá gb’owó,
A ò bá fún un l’ówó,
T’íkú bá gb’àgbò,
A bá r’àgbò fun…
Ikú d’óró,
ikú ṣ’èkà, I
kú se omú ẹni rere lọ.
Ó d’àrìnnàkò,
ótún wa d’ojú àlá.
Sùn re ooo mummy Ìyábò.
She was such a loving woman of God,
caring and amazing. An easy going mother.
Always smiling thoroung and no-nonsense.
I came to know her since I joined the First Baptist Church, Garki Abuja in 1999.
My noticing her was when our Church Pastor Rev Dr. Israel Adelani Akanji now the President of the Nigerian Baptist Conventiuon announced her generosity to the church where she presented according to the Pastor the first sets of computers to the church office then the systems were dedicated. That was when I got to know she worked in CBN and an IT guru.
She fondly called me ASK as I am poularly known and addressed.
I remember all she did for us and particularly her kind words or
encouragement especially when I lost my wife in 2016.
She would call to talk to me, “ASK you have to move on and remarry on time and give your daughter a mother figure.”
Her words, omo mi nko?”
Always praying for us.
Alaways smiling!
Always showing love.
Her words to me, ”ASK I learned you do Cryptourrency.”
”Please come and put me through let me see if I can do some little investment.”
She was a suportive child of God and generous.
She supported our cancer NGO in her own little way in loving memory of my late wife.
She was happy seeing Daddy the Rear Admiral discussing together.
”Daddy ti nwa o ASK,” her words.
May the Lord grant her eternal rest.
May God comfort daddy, the children,
the entire family you left behind,
the Church of God,
and all that connect with her in a way.
The Lord will stand by them everyone and grant them the grace and peace to bear your exit.
We love you but God loves you most.
Good night mummy Iyabọ!!!
Missing her gentle smile…
Yours sincerely,
I cherish the memory of Mrs. Iyabo Adeleke- Adedeji as a dotting mother of her children, loyal friend of her husband and a model professional in technology.
As one of the pioneer females in the Computer Science profession in Nigeria, she shone her light very brightly in the professional community as a leader of leaders and modelled the friendship a wife should share with her husband in my encounters with both of them.
I benefited from her motherly and leadership competencies at Abuja Chapter of ISACA (Information Systems Audit and Control Association) where I served as the fourth president and board chair. Even in retirement, she was enthusiastic about my professional and business development, for which I am very grateful.
I will remain inspired by her professional acumen, her dedication to family life, her devotion to the Kingdom of God, her genuine care for people, and her strategic contributions to her church family.
May the Good Lord preserve her legacy and bring enduring comfort to her immediate family.
Aunty Iyabo , as we call her, she was a Very wonderful woman, I can remember on my wedding day , she did a lot for me, she’s my dad’s cousin. They live together at Kano. Her dad trained my dad. Love her very much but God love her more
I met mummy through debo from FBCG, Thanks for all the love you have shown over the years, you will be greatly missed.May your gentle soul rest in peace